Ep. 12 “The Only Option”

The twelfth episode, wherein the ASCRIBEPodcast is thrust into a world of uncertainty, confusion, and potential espionage where nothing is as it seems. At least, that’s the way it appears…

Inspired by the phrase, “When you eliminate the impossible whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth.”




Uh, floor 3.


Did you push it?


I can never tell when it starts moving.


You did push 3, though?

Looks like it. It’s lit up…

But sometimes they light up even though the button doesn’t really get pushed.

Here, let me try.

Help yourself.

It’s just that now I know it’s been pushed.


It still doesn’t seem like we’re moving.

Are you in a hurry or something?

I don’t think the elevator’s moving.

It’s literally been 15 seconds, so…

But it should be moving by now. I’m pretty sure it’s stopped.

How could it stop if it never started?

No, I mean, I think something’s wrong with it.


Yeah, it seems broken.

So you’re going to do what, exactly?

Well, it’s probably broken, so I’m going to push the emergency button.

Wait, what? It’s not broken. The power hasn’t gone out.

No, no. The lights only turn off in the movies. That’s a myth.

How do you know that?

I just know stuff. Like this elevator is broken and we need to call for help.

I think we could just wait a second.

It’s not doing anything.

Well again, I think you have to wait…

No, the button. It isn’t doing anything. Someone must have disabled the emergency signal.

You’re kidding, right?

Do I look like I’m kidding?

Maybe? I don’t know.

Well I’m not. This is the only possible solution.

I’ve gotta believe there are at least one or two others.

Listen, the only reasons we wouldn’t be moving are if the button wasn’t pushed, or if the elevator was broken. We know that we both pushed the button, so the whole thing must be broken.

And why would that mean the emergency button is sabotaged?

Again, it’s the only option. That button is in case of emergencies, which means it needs to be kept in working order. If it’s not working, someone must have tampered with it.

That seems like a stretch.

It’s simple. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s a little far fetched that someone would have gone out of their way to trap the two of us in an elevator with no way to call for help. But it’s the only option left. When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, however impr obable, is the truth. That’s all there is to it.

I can’t tell if you’re being serious right now.

And I can’t tell if you’re an undercover spy.

I’m not.

A thief then. Or, someone a nefarious group of hackers wants trapped in this elevator.


Listen, it’s the only op…

Wait just a second. First of all, you’re crazy. Second of all, why is this my fault? What  if you’re the person who’s trapped?

Impossible. I know for a fact that there is no reason anyone would do that to me. So you must be the reason we’re trapped in here.


But it’s the only conclusion that makes sense.

Says the crazy guy who’s been watching too many detective shows.

Look, clearly you are being detained here, and as chance would have it, I’m stuck with you. So as far as I’m concerned, we’re in this together. No need to get defensive. I say we try to get out through the roof and climb the elevator shaft.

Speaking of things you see in movies…

Hey, I’m not supposed to be here. But if either one of us is going to make it out alive, we’re going to need to work as a team!


Because as soon as those doors open, they’re going to take us away!

Who is “they” and why would you possibly think that?

Because it’s the…


They’re here! Get behind me!

Yes they are. And no. Excuse me.



Hey pumpkin. You and mommy ready for dinner?

We sure are. We were getting worried that you’d forgotten what floor the room was on.

Nope, we’re all good. Ready to go. Nice to meet you, Sherlock.

That was a close one.

They jammed the elevator, but we took care of it. We would have been sooner, but we had to intercept the emergency signal.

Yeah, that guy I was stuck with almost blew my cover.

Should we take him out?

No, he’s harmless. Plus no one would believe him even if he had figured it out. He seemed kind of crazy.

Fair enough. I thought he might have been one of them.

Not a chance. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Are you sure?

Positive. It’s the only option.

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