Ep. 13 “Life is Like a Grapefruit (Almost)”

The thirteenth episode, wherein the ASCRIBEPodcast imagines a far-off future of robotic potential, in which life itself might just hang in the balance!…

Inspired by the phrase, “Life is like a grapefruit. It is sour, and squishy and has pips in it, and sometimes you have half of one for breakfast.”

Ep. 12 “The Only Option”

The twelfth episode, wherein the ASCRIBEPodcast is thrust into a world of uncertainty, confusion, and potential espionage where nothing is as it seems. At least, that’s the way it appears…

Inspired by the phrase, “When you eliminate the impossible whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth.”

Ep. 10 “Linus and the List”

Hey guys (and gals)… we made it to 10 episodes. Shocking, right?

The tenth episode, containing a story and discussion about a wonderfully charming character named Linus, and the list he was left to complete. Heartwarming, sappy hi-jinks ensue…*

Inspired by the phrase, “Diligence is complimented by efficiency.”

Ep. 9 “Where I’m Going”

The ninth episode, wherein Daniel writes what is almost, kind of, sort of, on the verge of being an autobiographical story, and then, to no ones surprise, goes off in a completely unexpected direction…

Inspired by the phrase, “I don’t know where I’m going, but I promise it won’t be boring.”